Sunday, June 5, 2011

Spanking Shakespeare Q4 IR

This book is about a high school boy's struggle to be accepted into college, to be accepted by his peers, and to be accepted by a or any girl! He has been an outcast ever since he can remember, and part of the reason could be because of his (in)famous name, Shakespeare. As William Shakespeare has been known for his beautiful writing, this Shakespeare is known for his crude humor, hard truth, and gruesome childhood all put in hilarious writing. His English teacher assigns a project for the seniors to write a life memoir. Unfortunately, Shakespeare has to relive the unforgettably bizarre moments in his life to get a juicy paper. As the book goes on, you read about his crazy weird childhood, and his struggle in high school for grades, college acceptance, and most importantly (to him), girl acceptance. This book is a chick-let for the fellows out there who are sick and tired of all the girly books. You see a side of boys you would not expect, and it will crack you up! So if you are interested in reading of someone's hilariously miserable life, this book is a must read.

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