Tuesday, June 7, 2011

How To Ruin Your Boyfriend's Reputation By: Simone Eckeles

This intriguing book is the third of a series of three. When Amy learns that there will be an Israel army training camp coming up, she is so excited to go to it in hopes to meet up with her Israeli boyfriend, Avi. To top things off, Avi is even assigned to be Amy's group leader! However, much to her dismay she learns that Avi still has to treat her the same that he would treat any other group member. This has Amy feeling as though she is not as important to him anymore and is really bummed because she thinks that Avi is more into the other women in the army than her. In order to get back at him, she does some very interesting things that were probably not in her best interest. It is very interesting to watch as the dynamic character, Amy, goes under some major changes throughout the story. She comes into the camp as a major drama queen, but leaves as what she calls herself, "a warrior woman". I highly suggest that you read the whole series to watch as Amy changes, as many girls can probably relate to her.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

In this magical book, Harry Potter is back to Hogwarts for his second year of wizarding school. He faces many new challenges with his friends Ron and Hermoine. After finding a Lord Voldemort's old diary, Harry takes on a quest to find out where the diary came from. Along the way he faces many dangerous scenarios like going to the secret chamber down under the school. This book takes you to a magical and imaginitive world!
Many people saw all of the Harry Potter movies and think they know it all, but you are sadly mistaken. I was one of those people until now. I decided to read the books before the second part of the last movie comes out. I was astonished on how many new things i learned from reading the books. The movies left out so many crucial details! I highly advise you to read the books and see how much information you will learn.
J.K. Rowlings, the author of the best series of books, in my mind, makes the magical world come alive in your head. The details she gives make you feel like a wizard! Some people say she gives too much detail, but it is almost impossible to make the world of wizarding come alive! I think she gives a perfect amount of details.
If you think you are a true Harry Potter fan, you have to read the books instead of only watching the movies. You will learn so much more information and see all of the foreshadowing throughout the series!

Kane Chronicles: The Red Pyramid

The Red Pyramid is a novel written by Rick Riordan and is about a brother and sister in a world were Egyptian Mythology exists and is hidden from the majority of humanity. The basic plot of the novel is that Carter and Sadie Kane, the two protagonists, had their father kidnapped by Set, the god of chaos and they must save him, humanity, and the mythological world from certain death or at least some equally horrible equivalent. Queue witty dialogue with ancient (and occasionally immature) gods, epic battles to death with monsters (and Leroy), mind-blowing revelations, and of course some absurdly funny moments. For any one looking for a funny read with a decent and memorable plot, this is the book for you.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Spanking Shakespeare Q4 IR

This book is about a high school boy's struggle to be accepted into college, to be accepted by his peers, and to be accepted by a or any girl! He has been an outcast ever since he can remember, and part of the reason could be because of his (in)famous name, Shakespeare. As William Shakespeare has been known for his beautiful writing, this Shakespeare is known for his crude humor, hard truth, and gruesome childhood all put in hilarious writing. His English teacher assigns a project for the seniors to write a life memoir. Unfortunately, Shakespeare has to relive the unforgettably bizarre moments in his life to get a juicy paper. As the book goes on, you read about his crazy weird childhood, and his struggle in high school for grades, college acceptance, and most importantly (to him), girl acceptance. This book is a chick-let for the fellows out there who are sick and tired of all the girly books. You see a side of boys you would not expect, and it will crack you up! So if you are interested in reading of someone's hilariously miserable life, this book is a must read.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Eagle in the Snow Book Talk

Eagle In The Snow Book Talk

The Eagle in the Snow is a novel about the fall of Rome and the decline of Western Civilization. It explores the circumstances that lead to the barbarian hordes overrunning Gaul, which is present day France. The main character, Maximus, is a Roman general assigned to defend the borders between Gaul, and Germania with a single legion. To give a scope about how badly Maximus is screwed, he needs at least eighty thousand men to hold the Rhine River properly, he has six. Maximus will have to deal with traitorous allies, corrupted administrators, religious persecution, and countless angry barbarians by any means necessary. And all for an empire that does not care for them or its survival. This is Rome’s last stand, and it will fight to its last breath even if it is unwilling to.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

I read Skate by Michael Harmon and its a book about Ian McDermott and his brother Sammy trying to gt out of their hometown Spokane and find their dad that left before Sammy was born. Ian and Sammy's mom is addicted to drugs and shes never home and Sammy cries for her at night and Ian has to look after himself and Sammy. Ian is also having trouble at school and the principal is trying to get Ian to drop out of school and go to an alternate school.One day at school the gym teacher is giving Ian trouble so Ian punches him in the jaw.

That's when Ian and Sammy's adventure starts. They're forced to runaway and find their dad or Ian will be put into Juvi and Sammy will be put in a foster home.

This was a good book, I enjoyed picturing all the things that Ian and Sammy faced on their trek to find their dad.

I recommend this book to people that like a narrative type of writing with a few twists.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Replacement

The book that I read for my independent reading assignment was The Replacement by Brenna Yovanoff. This book was written for a teenage audience; the themes presented are something that teenagers can relate to. This book is about fairies, but as you can infer from the cover, they are not the sugary and kind ones. The protagonist of this book is a high school boy named Mackie Doyle. He lives a seemingly ordinary life in the modern day town of Gentry. That is, until you dig deeper. Mackie is a changeling, a fairy child who was exchanged for a human one. He can't stand the smell and presence of blood or iron near him. He can't step on consecrated ground, which is a bit of a problem because his father is a minister. But his biggest hardship is trying to fit in and seem like a normal high school boy. If the townspeople notice that he is different, they might beat and lynch him like they did to the last changeling during the Great Depression. His world is rocked when a little girl disappears from the town and comes back....changed. The Replacement is about Mackie's journey in discovering the other part of himself and the dangerous fey world beneath Gentry. This book is sort of like a dark modern day fairytale. There's wicked fairies and dangerous tasks, and of course, the timeless fight of good against evil. This may not be the best book ever, but it's definately worth a try.