Monday, June 6, 2011

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

In this magical book, Harry Potter is back to Hogwarts for his second year of wizarding school. He faces many new challenges with his friends Ron and Hermoine. After finding a Lord Voldemort's old diary, Harry takes on a quest to find out where the diary came from. Along the way he faces many dangerous scenarios like going to the secret chamber down under the school. This book takes you to a magical and imaginitive world!
Many people saw all of the Harry Potter movies and think they know it all, but you are sadly mistaken. I was one of those people until now. I decided to read the books before the second part of the last movie comes out. I was astonished on how many new things i learned from reading the books. The movies left out so many crucial details! I highly advise you to read the books and see how much information you will learn.
J.K. Rowlings, the author of the best series of books, in my mind, makes the magical world come alive in your head. The details she gives make you feel like a wizard! Some people say she gives too much detail, but it is almost impossible to make the world of wizarding come alive! I think she gives a perfect amount of details.
If you think you are a true Harry Potter fan, you have to read the books instead of only watching the movies. You will learn so much more information and see all of the foreshadowing throughout the series!

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